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8300 GCSE Higher Box Plots Practice Mark Scheme
Downloadable resource in pdf format. 21/03/2023
8300 GCSE Higher Box Plots Practice Topic Test
Downloadable resource in pdf format. 21/03/2023
8300 GCSE Higher Cumulative Frequency Practice Mark Scheme
Downloadable resource in pdf format. 21/03/2023
8300 GCSE Higher Cumulative Frequency Practice Topic Test
Downloadable resource in pdf format. 21/03/2023
8300 GCSE Higher Histograms Practice Mark Scheme
Downloadable resource in pdf format. 21/03/2023
8300 GCSE Higher Histograms Practice Topic Test
Downloadable resource in pdf format. 21/03/2023
Anthropometric Data
Students consider a large set of data and analyse chosen variables using scatter graphs and other appropriate methods. Opportunity to use a spreadsheet for calculations.05/08/2015
Boxplot treasure hunt
Two treasure hunts involving the interpretation of boxplots. The second provides an option for extension beyond the specification to consider the skew of the boxplots. You will need to register for a TES account to access this resource, this is free of charge. 05/08/2015
Pay Rates for Men and Women
A spreadsheet activity in which students draw and format cumulative frequency graphs relating to the rates of pay of men and women. 05/08/2015
Rollercoaster - Which country has the fastest?
Data for UK and USA rollercoasters can be used to calculate mean, median, mode and range of data. Data for the different countries has been used to create cumulative frequency graphs which can be used to draw box plots. You will need to register for a TES account to access this resource, this is free of charge. 05/08/2015
Tarsia - Interpreting data
In this tarsia, a supplementary sheet of graphs, including histograms and cumulative frequency, is used to answer the questions on the tarsia cards. You will need to register for a TES account to access this resource, this is free of charge. 05/08/2015
Teaching resources - see below
Downloadable resource in format. 29/08/2014

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