
Algebraic manipulation and formulae - Use of letters - Lesson plan
Downloadable resource in doc format. 16/12/2010
Algebraic manipulation and formulae - Use of letters - Worksheet and Answers
Downloadable resource in doc format. 19/11/2010
Algebraic manipulation and formulae - Identities and equations - Lesson plan
Downloadable resource in doc format. 15/10/2010
Algebraic manipulation and formulae - Identities and equations - Powerpoint
Downloadable resource in ppt format. 18/09/2010
Algebraic manipulation and formulae - Identities and equations - Worksheet
Downloadable resource in doc format. 17/08/2010
Algebraic manipulation and formulae - Factorising - Lesson plan
Downloadable resource in doc format. 14/07/2010
Algebraic manipulation and formulae - Multiplying a single term over a bracket - Lesson plan
Downloadable resource in doc format. 13/06/2010
Algebraic manipulation and formulae - Multiplying a single term over a bracket - Worksheet and Answers
Downloadable resource in doc format. 14/05/2010
Algebraic manipulation and formulae - Worksheet 1
Downloadable resource in ppt format. 16/04/2010
Algebraic manipulation and formulae - Worksheet 2
Downloadable resource in ppt format. 15/03/2010
Algebraic manipulation and formulae - Homework Sheet and Mark Scheme
Downloadable resource in doc format. 03/02/2010
Algebraic manipulation and formulae - Homework Sheet and Mark Scheme
Downloadable resource in doc format. 02/01/2010

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