Number recap and review (8300 - Higher - Number)

Topic:Number recap and review

Specification references (in recommended teaching order)

Specification content Specification notes
  • Change recurring decimals into their corresponding fractions and vice versa

    • Apply and interpret limits of accuracy including upper and lower bounds

      • Deduce expressions to calculate the nth term of linear and quadratic sequences

        • Recognise and use simple geometric progressions (`r^n` where `n` is an integer and `r` is a surd)
        • including other sequences

          • Calculate exactly with surds
          • Simplify surd expressions involving squares (eg `sqrt 12 = sqrt(4 xx 3) = sqrt 4 xx sqrt 3 = 2 sqrt 3`) and rationalise denominators

            • Calculate with roots and with integer and fractional indices

              The subject content (above) matches that set out in the Department for Education’s Mathematics GCSE subject content and assessment objectives document.

              The expectation is that:

              • All students will develop confidence and competence with the content identified by standard type
              • All students will be assessed on the content identified by the standard and the underlined type; more highly attaining students will develop confidence and competence with all of this content
              • Only the more highly attaining students will be assessed on the content identified by bold type. The highest attaining students will develop confidence and competence with the bold content.

              Teaching resources

              Teaching resources - see below
              Downloadable resource in format. 29/08/2014

              A Question of Decimals
              A class game in the style of the picture board from A Question of Sport - students convert a recurring decimal into a fraction. You will need to register for a TES account to access this resource, this is free of charge. 04/08/2015
              Indices Code Breaker
              Students must simplify challenging indicial expressions to decode a message. You will need to register for a TES account to access this resource, this is free of charge. 04/08/2015
              National STEM Centre - Indices
              Five card-based activities in which students work with negative and fractional indices - good for consolidation of this topic. You will need to register for an account to access this resource, this is free of charge. 04/08/2015
              Surds - Rationalising the denominator
              A full lesson on rationalising the denominator including the simplification of both types of expressions with surds in the denominator. You will need to register for a TES account to access this resource, this is free of charge. 04/08/2015
              Tarsia nth term, including quadratics
              A hexagonal tarsia involving finding the nth term for a linear sequence, including some very simple quadratics such as n2 which would be accessible for Foundation tier students. You will need to register for a TES account to access this resource, this is free of charge. 04/08/2015
              Venn Diagrams - Surds
              A thought provoking activity in which Venn diagrams are used as a way to develop and extend mathematical thinking about surds. You will need to register for a TES account to access this resource, this is free of charge. 04/08/2015

              Nuffield Foundation: Errors
              A series of resources which outlines what is meant by the terms upper and lower bound and considers these for various degrees of accuracy, eg to the nearest whole number, or one decimal place. The worksheet goes on to look at the effect of combining quantities subject to a stated degree of accuracy. 04/08/2015
              Recurring Decimals to Fractions Activity
              Students must shade in the boxes on the given worksheet that represent logically equivalent statements. You will need to register for a TES account to access this resource, this is free of charge. 04/08/2015

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